e2L Blog

Series: Interview with an Educator | engage2learn

Written by engage2learn | Apr 24, 2018 5:00:00 AM

Welcome to the engage2learn Leading Learners blog series! We asked students across the state of Texas to interview an educator on their campus.

Hear what Harlingen CISD student Sebastian has to say while he interviewed his teacher, Mr. Becerra. 

Why did you decide to work in education?
My long term goal is to change education policy and learn what it’s like in a classroom to understand education policy. Education has also always been important to me and my family.

What success are you most proud of?
Being a teacher, a chess coach, helping students to do a lot of things that my teachers helped me to do. It’s also nice to have bragging rights for my students. I talk about my students a lot.

How do you challenge yourself in your profession?
My biggest challenge would be to make sure all my class projects are related to the real world and that my students see the connection.

My biggest challenge would be to make sure all my class projects are related to the real world and that my students see the connection. Click To Tweet

What experience challenged you the most and what have you learned from it?
It made me realize that students work independently, yet together. It made me feel like the students could help each other learn instead of me feeling like I had to watch over them 24/7.

What advice would you give to students about developing life ready skills to prepare them for college and careers?
Work as hard as you can, but don’t over-stress yourself and don’t drive yourself crazy… but also do as much as you can. It’s so worth it in the end. When you achieve the greatest things, people will see that you work hard and they will respect you for that.

When you achieve the greatest things, people will see that you work hard and they will respect you for that. Click To Tweet

Who inspires you and why?
My little sister; she works harder than anyone I know. She inspires me to do better so that she doesn’t beat me and become a lawyer, our dream job, before I do! We have that sibling rivalry that inspires me to do better.

If there is anything you could change about your career, what would it be?
I feel like I would’ve changed my major in college. Instead of majoring in government I would’ve majored in business or math. That would’ve given me a lot more to offer my students.