Reward Educator Growth with Microcredentials & Badges
Encourage, recognize, and measure increased proficiency and effectiveness of your teachers and staff.
Why are microcredentials & badges so valuable to school leaders?
Measure & reward skill proficiency
Certify high-fidelity implementation
Correlate growth to improved outcomes
Microcredentials & badges motivate educators toward growth that leads to results.
“I saw a huge improvement in morale and positivity and climate and culture. I saw teachers become more confident in their ability in their classrooms. I saw veteran teachers embrace new ideas and different ways to do things.”
Principal, Mid-Sized City District
Microcredentials and badges serve to measure and quantify growth happening as a result of coaching.

Get visibility into the volume and pace of growth
Leaders and coaches can easily identify the individuals and schools that frequently earn the most microcredentials as part of a robust coaching plan. This also helps leaders identify and address gaps with struggling teachers who may need additional instructional support.

Connect teacher growth to student outcomes
With enhanced education analytics, leaders can identify which microcredentials and badges are driving positive student outcomes and adjust their professional learning and coaching plans accordingly.

Badges represent evidence of implementation
Coaches use pictures, videos, and/or documented lesson plans provided by their coachees as evidence of classroom implementation to certify fidelity of new strategies and increased proficiency. Badges in GroweLab are only awarded when evidence of practice has been reviewed and approved by a coach.

Create Customize Badges Unique to You
With the option to create custom competencies aligned to your school or district’s priorities, administrators can also design and award badges signifying growth on those competencies within GroweLab.
2 Types of Competency Growth Recognition in GroweLab
In GroweLab, educators earn microcredentials and badges based on evidence of practice, not just on session attendance. The process is simple.
Strand Badge
This first tier of badges represents growth on a particular domain within a specific competency. Strand badges represent quick wins for educators that serve as early recognition of growth toward higher levels of proficiency.
Microcredentials are awarded when your teacher or staff member has documented evidence of practice that has been reviewed by their coach and is aligned to the proficiency level of a specific competency.
The process for earning a microcredential is similar to earning a badge with one key difference: with a microcredential, the teacher or staff member has provide evidence of implementation demonstrating proficiency for each strand of their competency. Microcredentials are a marker of high-fidelity implementation aligned to levels of proficiency outlined in each competency.
Badges and microcredentials are a highly effective tool that leaders can use to cultivate a positive culture of growth. Below are a few ways that engage2learn partners districts use badges in GroweLab:
- Verbally recognizing and celebrating badge achievements during staff/team meetings.
- Printing badge stickers for teachers to display in the hallways or their classrooms whenever they earn them.
- Hosting friendly competitions or setting school-wide badge goals using a large “badge thermometer” in the staff lounge.
- Connecting badges and microcredentials to teacher pay incentives and performance evaluations.
- Using competency reports in GroweLab to monitor progress toward growth benchmarks and identify teachers/staff who need additional support.
Ready to bring badges & microcredentials to your schools or district?
Not ready? That's okay. You can still throw some confetti. We don't mind.