Professional Learning Communities

Document & measure the impact of your professional learning communities

With GroweLab, you can facilitate highly effective PLC groups that fuel teacher growth and student achievement.

3 things every PLC should have, but are often overlooked.

Documentation & Action Items

As we like to say, if it’s not documented, it didn’t happen. Without proper documentation, how can you be sure that PLC groups are actually meeting, much less keep track of the actions/tasks that teachers should be focusing on between sessions?

Evidence of Improved Practice

PLCs typically focus exclusively on student learning and behavior, spending very little time reviewing evidence of instructional practice, honing teachers' skills, and improving their implementation of the research-based best practices proven to improve student outcomes.

Data Summarizing Impact

Most districts that implement PLCs do not have a streamlined system for tracking or measuring PLCs sessions. Even simple questions like, “How much time are teachers spending in PLCs?” are difficult to answer.

PLCs facilitated in GroweLab can do all this and so much more!

GroweLab helps educators manage and facilitate actionable PLCs. providing leaders with the data that they need to measure the impact of PLCs on both student and teacher performance.

How does GroweLab streamline & optimize professional learning communities?

GroweLab: Coaching Sessions

Every PLC session across your entire district. All in one platform.

Say goodbye to scattered spreadsheets and notebooks. With GroweLab, you can schedule PLC sessions for the entire year, document those sessions, and easily keep track of session attendance and completion at every school in your district.

GroweLab: Develop Teacher Proficiency

Focus on teacher growth in instructional best practices.

Help teachers develop proficiency in implementing research-based best practices by integrating relevant professional learning competencies into PLC discussions. This alignment ensures teachers are growing in the skills that are proven to accelerate student outcomes.

GroweLab: Portfolio of Evidence

Collect evidence of practice & celebrate growth.

GroweLab's digital portfolio gives teachers a place to provide evidence and documentation of implementing instructional best practices in the classroom. This ensures that PLCs are effective in helping move teachers from theory to practice.

GroweLab: Connect the data

Connect PLC sessions to student outcomes data.

Are you able to measure the impact of PLC sessions and teacher growth on student outcomes? With Growelab, connect your PLC session data and other coaching data to student outcomes to measure, analyze, and report out the impact of PLCs on student achievement.

Need help optimizing your PLCs for outcomes?

engage2learn has extensive experience helping public schools create robust professional learning communities that lead to accelerated student outcomes and improved teacher practice.