GroweLab - Professional Development for Teachers

Develop teaching talent without burnout.

Transform traditional professional development for teachers into high-impact talent development.

Why is traditional professional development for teachers not working anymore?

Teachers don’t get what they need.

If everyone – from new to veteran teachers – experiences the same PD trainings, seminars, and guest speakers, no one gets the support that matches their individual needs and level of experience.

Leaders can’t measure impact or ROI.

Training costs, travel, materials, meal stipends, opportunity costs – it all adds up. But without any implementation or growth data, what is the return on investment (ROI)? No one knows.

Students don’t see new strategies in the classroom.

Most everything (95%, according to the research) that is covered during PD workshops gets lost in the day-to-day grind of classroom instruction, which means teachers are not actually improving their daily practice.

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all PD and give your teachers individualized support and learning.

Personalized High-Impact Strategies

Personalized & high-impact strategies.

Differentiated, growth-focused learning on the skills and competencies aligned to both individual educator needs and high-level school/district goals.

Relevant & Robust Resources

Relevant & robust resources.

A vast, user-friendly learning library of vetted resources, materials, and tools aligned to competencies bolsters ongoing professional growth for teachers.

Powerful Time-Saving Tools

Powerful time-saving tools.

Dashboards and organization tools help everyone stay focused on learning and growing, prioritize their tasks, and save precious time.

On-Demand & Adaptive Learning

On-demand, adaptive learning.

Relevant, timely, cost-effective learning that qualifies for continuing education units (CEUs) is available to teachers whenever and wherever through mySmartCoach.

Start transforming your traditional professional development today!

How does GroweLab help schools transform professional development for teachers?

GroweLab provides educators with the tools they need to proactively engage in learning and reflecting on their practice in order to make lasting changes. With features to support coaching, professional learning communications, and asynchronous learning, school leaders are able to transform traditional professional development into something that is more collaborative, ongoing, relevant, and focused on skill acquisition. At engage2learn, we built GroweLab to give educators the resources they need to usher in a new era of talent development.

GroweLab’s deep learning options are matched to each person’s experience level for scaffolded talent development aligned to ready-to-implement, research-based instructional practices.

GroweLab - Skill Acquisition
Leaders have complete administrative control to create or customize competencies to ensure that professional growth is aligned to high-level district goals.
GroweLab - Customize Competencies

Connected data on professional growth is compiled into easy-to-read education analytics reports, allowing leaders to track progress toward their school or district’s success criteria.

GroweLab - Track Growth
Leaders can “cue the confetti” anytime as part of their professional development or coaching sessions for authentic, in-the-moment merriment while cultivating a culture of growth.
GroweLab - Celebrate Growth
GroweLab - Skill Acquisition
GroweLab - Customize Competencies
GroweLab - Track Growth
GroweLab - Celebrate Growth

More Tools to Transform Professional Development

GroweLab - Tailored Dashboards

Streamline Access through Tailored Dashboards

Unique, role-based dashboard views provide one-click entry to professional development and coaching sessions, progress badges and status, action items, and ideas.

GroweLab - Integrated Scheduling & Task Tools

Integrated Scheduling and Task Tools

An easy-to-read, color-coded calendar of upcoming professional development and coaching sessions – along with a prioritized to-do list – enables maximum efficiency.

GroweLab - Resource Library

Access, Organize, or Create Instructional Materials

Growelab’s vast and growing library of research, resources, interactive templates, online courses, and videos can be easily searched, filtered, and bookmarked for quick access. 

GroweLab - Evidence of Practice & Implementation

Evidence of Actual Implementation

Digital growth portfolios act as a living repository of evidence of classroom or job-embedded implementation, while microcredentials and/or badges motivate growth and signify transformed daily practice.

When you're ready to start developing talent, GroweLab is ready!

“I’ve never had this kind of support, so I hope to use all the new things I’ve learned to create an even better classroom.”

Elementary School Teacher, Midsize Urban District


Asynchronous continuing education to support teachers’ evolving professional responsibilities.

When you add mySmartCoach to GroweLab, you give your teachers the power of personalized coaching with the flexibility of any-time learning – even when they don’t have a coach.

GroweLab - mySmartCoach - 24/7 Access

Anytime Access to Proven Strategies

Provide 24/7 access to professional development for teachers on the research-based best practices proven to increase student achievement.

GroweLab - mySmartCoach - Continuous Support

Continuous Professional Development

Leverage ongoing, on-demand, bite-sized learning and support that’s paced throughout the school year and fits every teacher’s schedule.

GroweLab - Personalized Growth Pathways

Personalized Pathways for Growth

Differentiated, personalized growth pathways empower teachers with choice in their learning and the autonomy to grow in areas that matter to them.

GroweLab - Continuing Education

Affordable Continuing Education

Continuing education that uses flexible, personalized, anytime learning comes at a fraction of the cost of in-person workshops and online course providers.