engage2learn ESSA Level 3 K-5 Efficacy Study
Measuring the Impact of e2L Coaching on Reading & Math Scores in Primary Grades
Report Sections:
Study Description
engage2learn (e2L) provides an in-person and virtual coaching system that builds capacity and engagement in public schools. Learning Experience Design (LXD) Research, a third-party independent evaluator, was hired to analyze data collected during the 2021-2022 school year. The goal was to measure how engage2learn contributed to the faculty's shared and growing use of instructional best practices, and if those best practices impacted student outcomes.
This well-designed, correlational study suggests that e2L coaching and support interventions meet the standard for ESSA Level 3 Promising Evidence by having a statistically significant impact on reading and math student growth.

Program Overview
engage2learn partnered with the district to provide a train-the-trainer model for all instructional coaches (Coaches Academy) and school leadership (Executive Training and Coaching). A set of four Core Best Practices were identified for the district and within each school building. Teachers earned badges as they demonstrated skill building. Levels 1 and 2 are Progress Badges (initiating progress, approaching expectations) and Levels 3 and 4 are Mastery Badges (meeting and exceeding expectations).
Core Best Practices
Standards Alignment
Differentiation & Scaffolding
Assessment & Formative Feedback
Small Group Instruction
Educator Growth Findings
Key Findings/Results
NWEA MAP reports whether students reached their projected growth targets (based on their grade and beginning-of-year score). The following results provide evidence that earning at least four mastery badges during engage2learn coaching interventions has significant and positive impacts on student reading and math growth.
Student Growth in Reading
Across Grades K-5, teachers who earned 4+ Mastery Badges had a significantly higher percentage of students meeting Reading growth targets than teachers with No Mastery Badges. These effects were significant in Grades K-3 and 5.
Reading: Percent of Students Who Met Projected Growth Targets by Grade
All Grades Stats Citation: F(2, 2349) = 36.9, p < .001 Cohen's d effect size = 0.45
Student Growth in Math
Across Grades K-5, teachers who earned 4+ Mastery Badges had a significantly higher percentage of students meeting Math growth targets than teachers with no Mastery Badges. These effects were significant for each individual grade in K-5.
Math: Percent of Students Who Met Projected Growth Targets by Grade
All Grades Stats Citation: F(2, 4254) = 35.0, p < .001 Cohen's d effect size = 0.54