Data-Informed Growth Coaching Workshop

The comprehensive professional development program that equips coaches and administrators with the skills and tools to implement a high-performance coaching program that improves outcomes for teachers and students alike.

Comprehensive 2-day workshop for coaches and administrators

The Data-Informed Growth (DIG) Coaching Workshop offers coaches and administrations everything they need to implement or create a high-performance coaching system that drives improved student outcomes and increased teacher retention.

10 years of empirically validated academic research from esteemed professors at Rutgers and Arizona State Universities and 12 years of extensive coaching practice have identified the 3 coaching skills and 6 essential coaching actions that consistently improve student performance and teacher retention. The DIG Coaching Workshop offers the first-ever in-depth training program aligned to this breakthrough research.


Who is the DIG Coaching Workshop designed for?

Instructional Coaches

Learn to effectively implement empirically validated essential coaching actions.

Principals & APs

Learn to better support your teachers and coaches through coaching and instructional leadership.


Develop a new coaching program or improve your current one with streamlined processes and systems.

DIG Coaching Workshop

This 2-day comprehensive coaching workshop provides coaches and administrators with an intensive, hands-on learning experience on the essential coaching actions and coaching processes that are proven to improve student outcomes and increase teacher retention. Participants leave with an actionable 90-day plan to help them implement the coaching skills and strategies covered during the training.

Training Includes:

  • Comprehensive overview of essential coaching actions
  • Modeling and practice of our proven coaching conversation protocol
  • Highly engaging and rigorous learning experience
  • Networking and collaborating with peers
  • 12 weekly office hours sessions with e2L coaches for ongoing support
  • 90-day coaching growth plan
  • 6 one-year licenses to GroweLab
  • Access to all training materials and resources

Upcoming DIG Workshop Events:


Riverside DIG - Featured Image

DIG In Austin-Featured Image-compressed

What participants are saying about the
DIG Coaching Workshop.

The DIG Coaching Workshop will help your school or district experience results like these:

Increased Teacher Retention Rate

Teacher Retention Graph

This district experienced a dramatic increase in retention among teachers who where coached, saving the district millions on attrition costs.

Improved Student Outcomes

Student Outcomes Graph

Coaching support helped address disrupted learning caused by the pandemic at this school, leading to increase reading/ELA scores.

Correlate Educator Growth to Outcomes

Unused LXD Graph

By connecting educator growth to student scores, we get to see the direct impact of coaching. Read the research summary of one school's results.

Reserve your spot at an upcoming DIG Coaching Workshop today to bring these results to your school or district!