TEA-Approved Provider

Lone Star Governance Board Training

2-Day Workshop for Governing Teams

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Lone Star Governance (LSG) Statewide Training

Lone Star Governance (LSG) Training provides school board members the
opportunity to design and implement a continuous improvement model in their 
district that is laser-focused on improving outcomes for students.

The two-day LSG workshop, facilitated by engage2learn’s (e2L) TEA-Approved Lone 
Star Governance Coach, creates a supportive space in which governing teams can better understand the systems, structures, and board member behaviors that improve student achievement.


Satisfy board training requirement


Increase accountability and student outcomes


Develop team cohesion and collaboration


Create streamlined systems for governance


Set up effective teams and subcommittees

TEA-Approved Lone Star Governance Coach

Travis_Whisnenant_Cutout_400pxTravis Whisenant has been a public school educator in Texas for 27 years, holding numerous positions ranging from teacher to assistant superintendent. Travis also served as Director of Leadership and Support for the ESC-11 overseeing teacher and administrator coaching, school improvement, and school board Training. At e2L, Travis passionately works with public schools to provide coaching and guidance to ensure school leaders are equipped with the systems and skills to achieve their goals.

Register Your Board Today!

Upcoming LSG Statewide Training:
Webb CISD | Bruni, TX
March 15-16 | 8:30-5:00
619 Avenue F, Bruni, TX 78344