engage2learn is a TEA-approved provider for LASO Cycle 3 grants.

The trusted partner for all your LASO Cycle 3 grants!

From application through implementation, engage2learn provides expert support to ensure your grants are optimized for sustained success. 

Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities Grants

The Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) is the next iteration of a universal consolidated application cycle from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) that strategically batches grant funding opportunities to support continued learning acceleration and innovation opportunities among Texas public schools.

LASO Cycle 3 program is focused on three of the five learning acceleration strategies: Curriculum & Instruction, More Time, and Innovative School Models. At e2L we have proven results in each of these learning acceleration strategies.

Free HQIM Resources:

engage2learn provides expert resources and guidance to ensure HQIM implementation fidelity and effectiveness. Below are links to two resources we hope will help! 

download Lesson Internalization Guide

download HQIM Systems for Leaders

Choose engage2learn to be your provider for LASO Cycle 3 Grants


Strong Foundations Planning

e2L facilitates the district through designing and creating a strong research-based Literacy and/or Math Framework ensuring the engagement of various stakeholders and design to local context.

Strong Foundations Implementation

e2L provides support at the district and school level to reinforce HQIM implementation with proven professional development strategies.

Strong Foundations PLC Support

e2L builds capacity through coaching and calibrations for school improvement through professional learning communities (PLC).

Instructional Leadership Pathways

e2L builds the capacity of district and school leaders through systems training and data analysis, professional development learning sessions and coaching and implementation support aligned to their identified essential actions.

School Action Fund (TEA Matched)

e2L supports public schools to develop and implement a whole school model that meets the community’s needs through a comprehensive strategic planning process

Blended Learning

e2L provides coaching, facilitation of community engagement and project management support to ensure that the chosen blended learning model is implemented with fidelity; ensuring teacher growth and student outcomes

Why Texas schools love partnering with engage2learn...


Diverse Team of Elite Texas Educators

Our team of expert educators is passionate about public education and has extensive experience transforming Texas schools to raise student achievement.

Wrap-Around, Turnkey Support

Our team efficiently and effectively implements every aspect of your district’s grant initiatives, relieving staff of coordination burdens so they can focus on student success.

Proven Track Record of Success

Trusted by over 300 districts nationwide, we provide sustainable systems and solutions that build capacity and drive improvements for teachers and students alike.

Get Support from e2L!
