engage2learn is a TEA-approved provider for LASO Cycle 3 grants.
The trusted partner for all your LASO Cycle 3 grants!
From application through implementation, engage2learn provides expert support to ensure your grants are optimized for sustained success.
Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities Grants
The Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) is the next iteration of a universal consolidated application cycle from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) that strategically batches grant funding opportunities to support continued learning acceleration and innovation opportunities among Texas public schools.
LASO Cycle 3 program is focused on three of the five learning acceleration strategies: Curriculum & Instruction, More Time, and Innovative School Models. At e2L we have proven results in each of these learning acceleration strategies.
Free HQIM Resources:
engage2learn provides expert resources and guidance to ensure HQIM implementation fidelity and effectiveness. Below are links to two resources we hope will help!