How much is teacher attrition costing your school or district?

Providing teachers with personalized, evidence-based coaching support is proven to increase job satisfaction and teacher retention rates while also improving the financial health of your school or district. In fact, coaching data from one engage2learn (e2L) partner district shows that they have retained 98% – 100% of coached teachers over the past five years (even during the pandemic!), saving them $9 million on teacher turnover. Read the ESSA Level 2 teacher retention study here!

Use the calculator below to explore the financial impact that teacher attrition is having on your school or district and how much you can save by investing in an adaptive, on-demand coaching tool like mySmartCoach. Scale support for all of your teachers in less time and for less money than traditional professional development.

Teacher Turnover Cost Calculator

How much is your school/district spending to replace teachers?

Number of Teachers

How many teachers do you have at your school or district?

Total Replacement Cost

How much does it cost to replace one teacher?
Be sure to figure in hiring, onboarding, and training costs for new teachers.

Current Attrition Rate

What percentage of teachers leave each year?
Teacher attrition is costing your school/district
Estimated total cost to replace 70 teachers based on your inputs.

e2L support can help reduce attrition cost to as low as
How would your school/district use the extra $320,000 in savings.
*Based on an average 2% attrition rate that e2L partner districts experience.

Ready to see the impact coaching with a true talent development partner can have on your school or district?

Teacher Retention Resources