Strategic Planning for Public School Districts

Bring your community together to create a collaborative vision for learning.

What are your highest hopes for learners?

Since 2011, engage2learn (e2L) has partnered with hundreds of districts nationwide to collaboratively develop and implement customized strategic plans designed to:


school- and/or district-specific challenges and needs.


teacher support and retention through targeted talent development


inclusive learning environments that improve outcomes for all learners.


high-performance, growth-focused learning cultures.


leadership and teacher capacity to achieve high-level district goals.

Trusted by public schools nationwide, including:

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Getting “Buy In” is Not Enough.

Give them a seat at the table and create ownership.

engage2learn helps districts facilitate deep and proactive community engagement to make sure your stakeholders have a voice in shaping the future of learning.

e2L Strategic Design Model

e2L Strategic Design Model - No Title

K-12 Strategic Planning gives public schools an actionable plan to help the district achieve its goals for students and the broader community.

Based on the principles of design thinking and backward design, the e2L Strategic Design Model is a research-based, aspirational process, centered around engaging the entire school/district community in identifying and working toward an agreed-upon vision for learning and creating an actionable plan to make that vision a reality.

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ENGAGE your community in determining their highest hopes for learners and their goals for the school/district.

Conduct in-depth focus groups, summits, and surveys with key stakeholders and community members to gather a comprehensive and diverse range of opinions, expectations, and hopes. Rather than taking a top-down approach, e2L includes and engages all stakeholders in sharing their diverse perspectives to represent the rich makeup of each school community.

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DESIGN the conditions necessary for thorough, long-term strategic planning and outcomes.

Establish a Strategic Planning & Design Team that is representative of the diverse school community, take inventory of past and current initiatives, analyze existing school/district resources, and determine shared beliefs, behaviors, learner profile skills, etc. A comprehensive analysis of school initiatives and resources enables the design team to identify what historically has driven outcomes and adjust or abandon what hasn’t, eliminating potential hurdles at the start of the project.

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CREATE sequenced specific results spanning 3-5 years.

Review and analyze goals, select agreed-upon Specific Results aligned to the insights from the first two phases, and plan a timeline of tactics, strategies, and results. By sequencing specific goals and actions across a 3-5 year timeline, the design team bridges the gap between planning and executing, creates a system of accountability, and provides a clear pathway to achieving the vision for learning.

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LEAD the school/district through implementation by planning for responsible rollout.

Develop a Year-1 Action Plan and responsible rollout to enable implementation and professional growth that leads to desired outcomes for learners through targeted coaching, competency-based learning pathways, and badging and micro-credentialing.

Ready to create your community-inspired vision for learning?

Strategic Design Resources & Articles