Campus Turnaround and Long-Term Transformation
Education is engaged in the long-term quest of transforming struggling schools into thriving learning centers where students and communities are engaged and committed to the shared goals related to improved student achievement. In the classroom, educators who are equipped with effective instructional strategies and tools are at the heart of meaningful change and sustainable growth in student success. engage2learn (e2L) partners with school districts nationwide to provide the intentional and strategic support that they need to help teachers and staff boost student achievement.
e2L is a transformation and talent development partner founded by leading education thought leaders and former classroom teachers. We continually advocate for data-informed instruction and talent development because we understand why every teacher (even the best teachers) need coaches and innovative methods. e2L is passionate about supporting school districts in long-term school culture and student outcomes transformations. Providing individualized coaching for teachers, school leaders, and coaches allows educators to engage in collaborative decision-making to drive improved instruction and student achievement.
The following case study from the Corpus Christi Independent School District (ISD) is evidence of the difference e2L’s partnership programs can make for school districts who find themselves struggling.
The Corpus Christi Independent School District
The Challenge
The Corpus Christi Independent School District (ISD), located on the Gulf Coast of Texas, first began their partnership with engage2learn (e2L) in 2011. The district received a Magnet School Assistance Program (MSAP) grant to transform two existing campuses into innovative magnet schools.
The Solution
Leveraging the renowned Buerk Method, the eGrowe Coaching Model, and GroweLab – e2L’s instructional coaching and talent development platform, formerly known as eSuite – e2L was able to provide thorough implementation support through principal coaching and teacher coaching efforts. e2L’s coaching initiatives and support led to initial results that far exceeded the school district’s expectations:
- Attendance increased from 93.1% to 96.8% at the new magnet school campus
- Discipline referrals decreased from 17.5% to 7.8% at the new magnet school campus
- Standardized test scores increased by 6% - 8% for all subjects with an astounding 20%+ gain for students with special needs in just one year
- The former culture of bullying & cliques was replaced by one of learning and camaraderie, according to student feedback
In 2014, the district was awarded Texas’ two largest Title I Priority Schools (TTIPS) grants to address and improve low-performing schools. Corpus Christi ISD was thrilled with e2L’s educational leadership coaching, teacher training, and mentoring work. Bolstered by the success of the magnet school transformation, Corpus Christi ISD committed to using the funding to expand the partnership with e2L to include design, building what would prove to be a successful and sustainable school transformation strategy.
Kostoryz Elementary School (2014 - 2017)
The Challenge
Corpus Christi ISD’s Kostoryz Elementary School was one of the lowest-performing schools in the state of Texas in 2014. Student achievement scores were below 50% across all content areas and grade levels, and discipline referrals were growing rapidly. Facing performance problems in almost all reported student groups — including Hispanic, Black, White, Special Education, Economically Disadvantaged, and ELL — the school was labeled “Improvement Required.”
Additionally, school staff across the board reported a discouraging and frustrating school culture. As a result, Kostoryz struggled with teacher satisfaction and attrition, having lost a devastating 70% of its teachers the year before expanding its partnership with e2L.
With these challenges in one hand and a $5.7 million grant for transformation in the other, Kostoryz and e2L devised a three-year improvement plan that leveraged e2L’s growth process and GroweLab, the integrated edtech platform that simplifies and streamlines coaching for educators. This investment in the strategic, comprehensive support of all teachers was ultimately an investment in the success of all students as well.
The Strategic Solution
Through evidence-based coaching on e2L’s research-backed Life Ready Best Practices, the improvement plan focused on making a fundamental culture shift through three phases:
- Year One: Designing a collaborative vision for learning.
- Year Two: Defining clear methods for making their vision a reality.
- Year Three: Establishing supportive and sustainable systems.
Teachers, staff, and coaches spent the first year with e2L laying the foundation for students to work towards content and skills mastery, honing problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration skills. Utilizing e2L’s proven principal coaching model and teacher coaching model, e2L facilitated evidence-based coaching and captured professional growth data in GrowLab, giving district and school leaders key insights into the impact of e2L support on learner achievement. After just one year, students were growing academically, exuding curiosity and creativity, and embracing a “no fear” mindset.
Heading into the second year, teacher retention soared to 94%.
With support and encouragement from personalized coaching, teachers felt confident implementing e2L methods, tools, and lesson design skills in their classrooms. Through ongoing, job-embedded teacher coaching focused on best instructional practices, Kostoryz teachers were equipped to meet students at any level of mastery with individualized growth plans. The newly invigorated teaching staff was quickly embracing a growth mindset and aiming for an aggressive goal of wide-scale improved student achievement.
The final year of the Kostoryz partnership was dedicated to firmly establishing the sustainable systems that would promote continued teacher and student growth. Teachers and staff began scheduling and facilitating weekly collaborative instructional design time, turning the desired high-performance culture into a thriving reality.
The Outcome
Today, Kostoryz is ranked in the 60th percentile of all Texas elementary schools, an incredible turnaround from 2014 when the campus was ranked in the bottom 3%.
Therein lies the true success of the partnership.
Through e2L’s evidence-based coaching and intentional strategy, Kostoryz was able to build a positive, self-sustaining culture while dramatically improving student achievement. Continuing i1n the course they charted back in 2014, Kostoryz’ teachers and staff maintain the best practices that they learned from e2L instructional coaching and have the climbing student achievement scores to prove it.
Are you grappling with how to support struggling educators and students? Contact us.