Transforming the Future
Total Number of Students: 68,206
North East ISD (NEISD) partnered with e2L to make its students Future Ready. Through creating a shared vision, mission, and goals, NEISD created a Future Ready culture in its schools.
e2L facilitated several phases of this process, including readiness with leadership, education summits for community collaboration and input, surveys, focus groups, and creating action teams.
Through this process, NEISD developed an outline of expectations for its community’s youth. These expectations center around molding students who are empowered to be responsible, productive, and effective citizens. NEISD wanted to create a space where students learn in safe, engaging, and relevant environments.
As part of the stakeholder outreach, e2L included student voices. NEISD learner outcomes were developed and determined that each graduate would be prepared for the future, as well as demonstrating measurable academic success and community involvement.
Based on the learner outcomes, NEISD established their Learner Profile. Based on this profile, the district centered its professional learning, academic, and extracurricular offerings on a K-12 program where all graduates could be successful. The Learner Profile was designed to be comprehensive and prepare each graduate to be Future Ready.
These Future Ready Skills include:
- Communicating effectively through a variety of methods, with a focus on interpersonal skills.
- Being adaptable with perseverance to effectively use technology as a learning and communication tool.
- Demonstrating compassion and embracing integrity.
- Collaborating effectively in teams and being socially flexible in situations such as online communications, global interaction, and face-to-face conversations.
- Applying problem-solving through creative and analytical processes.
- Exploring various pathways within a global context to develop the future of their choosing.
- Valuing and respecting diversity.
The Board of Trustees, district leadership, and community developed a unified culture during this process and now focus all resources ion achieving the goals in the Strategic Design process.
Board President Susan Galindo summed up leadership’s feelings when she said, “The strategic design process with Engage has taken community engagement to a whole new level! Transformation is happening in NEISD because the hopes and dreams of our community are interwoven into the fabric of our future.”
Demographic Profile: | |
African American | 7.0% |
Hispanic | 58.0% |
White | 28.0% |
American Indian | 0% |
Asian | 4.0% |
Pacific Islander | 0% |
Two or More Races | 3.0% |
Economically Disadvantaged | 46.1% |
Non-Educationally Disadvantaged | 53.9% |
English Language Learners (ELLS) | 9.0% |
Students w/Disciplinary Placements | 53.9% |
At-Risk | 35.2% |