More than Rebuilding. Rising Up!

More than Rebuilding. Rising Up!

Total Number of Students: 1,463
In April 2013, the town of West suffered a tragedy. The local fertilizer storage facility exploded, damaging homes and buildings, including several West ISD school buildings.

As part of the rebuild process, the West ISD school community recognized it had a special opportunity to build a new school to meet current and future student needs.

With the help of engage2learn, West ISD brought the community together to envision what this new school could provide for students, teachers, and staff. Through this outreach effort, the West ISD middle and high school soon evolved from dream to reality. The new learning environment included collaborative spaces and vast amounts of natural light to foster creativity. This environment now prepares students for a future they create. Visit Restore West ISD to see the design of the new school and listen to the student excitement.

With this design opportunity, West ISD began exploring opportunities to leverage this new building.

Based on the community conversation, engage2learn continued its partnership with West ISD to shift its classroom culture away from a lecture-style environment. e2L helped West ISD create an environment where teachers could promote deep discussion, research solutions on relevant topics, and synthesize their learning.

West ISD’s long-term goal is to integrate content and technology, giving students an advantage in the college and workplace environments.

Today, West ISD is achieving results from this initiative, including distinguished levels of teacher performance and student achievement.

Demographic Profile
African American 3%
Hispanic 8%
White 88%
American Indian )%
Asian )%
Pacific Islander )%
Two or more races 1%
Economically Disadvantaged 49.3%
Non-Educationally Disadvantaged 50.7%
Limited English Proficient (LEP) 3.4%
Students with Disciplinary Placement 2.1%
At-Risk 30.4%