How e2L helps IR campuses | engage2learn
All schools have their challenges. But an “Improvement Required” campus faces additional challenges and pressures. Where does a campus turn to find help in facilitating an IR turnaround? What’s the best way to get a school out of IR status with minimal headaches?
Campus turnarounds are never easy, but they’re achievable and so worth the work. In fact, e2L has partnered with many IR campuses, all with demonstrably successful turnarounds. You can catch our upcoming presentation on September 26 at the Advancing Improvements in Education Conference in San Antonio, TX, where we’ll go into detail about how e2L partners with IR campuses for breathtaking school turnarounds.
From IR to A+
In our experience in partnering with Corpus Christi ISD, we helped turn around four campuses over several years. One key to successful campus turnarounds is implementing a learning framework. This framework is created through a collaborative local vision which includes community stakeholders, school staff, and even students. The locally designed learning framework outlines the unique ideal learner experience, based on the community’s hopes for students.
A locally designed learning framework outlines the unique ideal learner experience, based on the community’s hopes for students. Click To TweetA successful learning framework is student-oriented, allows for differentiated flexibility, and gives students a sense of intrinsic pride in their schoolwork. CCISD wanted to hone its students’ Future Ready skills, so they would be better prepared for college and careers after their time in school. The students of CCISD benefited from a learning framework that focused on growing their Future Ready skills through innovative learning.
In one year, the Wynn Seale Metro and Miller Metro schools met their AYP, increased attendance, cut discipline referrals by 50%, and increased standardized test scores by 6%- 8% for all subjects. The Kostoryz and South Park schools also had positive results for attendance and discipline referrals, seeing an increase in standardized test scores by 3% – 9% for all subjects.
The Bottom Line
A learning framework that is intentionally designed to meet local needs and focuses on the learner outcomes helps students feel genuinely interested in school while improving the educator experience and test scores.
If you’d like to learn more about turning around IR campuses, be sure to tune into our September 26 presentation at the AIE conference!