Inside the Lab Webinar Series

Learn how to optimize your coaching and educator support programs for student achievement and teacher retention with this series of interactive webinars. During each session, engage2learn (e2L) facilitators will do a deep dive into how educators are leveraging the tools in GroweLab to improve outcomes for students and teachers alike.

On-Demand Webinar Recordings

Classroom Observations Made Easy

Learn how custom classroom walkthrough forms in GroweLab are helping leaders consistently capture data to get a better understanding of what is and is not happening in the classroom.


Real-Time Educator Support

Sometimes there is too much time and distance between when a classroom teacher needs help solving a specific problem in the classroom and when they can actually get support from a trusted source. Join this session to learn about how GroweLab provides real-time support for teachers, including connecting via video chat with an e2L coach.


Streamlined Instructional Coaching

In this session, we will walk through how GroweLab replaces scattered calendars, documents, and spreadsheet with smart coaching features designed and developed by educators (not ed-tech entrepreneurs). From document coaching conversations to digital growth portfolio, see how GroweLab helps public school streamline and scale their coaching programs.


Tracking & Celebrating Professional Growth

All school systems provide professional development to their teachers and staff, but few have the tools to track whether any actual growth or increased capacity is happening. In this session, you will learn how GroweLab captures professional growth data and quickly turns that data into cause for celebration with microcredentials and a little confetti!


Growth Reporting Admins Love

How much coaching is happening my district? How much growth are my teachers experiencing? What competencies are my teachers focused on? How is all of the coaching and educator growth improving student outcomes. The easy-to-read reports in GroweLab equips leaders with the answers to all these questions and more! In this session, we'll show you how.