Many efforts to overcome the teacher shortage in public schools nationwide are understandably focused on increasing the supply of teachers into the pipeline. However, every new hire costs districts $5,000 – $20,000. Re-allocating the lost dollars of replacement costs toward coaching and retaining teachers already in the system is a win-win. Such talent transformation is the key to fixing the leaky pipeline and better serving our learners, while maximizing taxpayer dollars.
One of our consistent norms at engage2learn is to fail often in order to succeed more. No, we are not setting ourselves up for failure; rather, we simply shift our focus to welcome challenges as learning opportunities.
Why is it important that learners acquire “soft skills?” How are their classroom experiences in public schools nationwide addressing the issue of equity?
by Shannon Buerk, Founder, and CEO of engage2learn. Plato Said It Best Distraction and lost productivity in the workplace have many harmful consequences, including added stress, longer working hours, and low morale. Acclaimed public speaker, Brendon... Read More
Davila, teacher at Bowie High School in Arlington ISD, was able to push through his fears to make a powerful impact on the lives of his students learning.