Gabrielle Wallace Headshot

Gabrielle Wallace

Gabrielle Wallace joins e2L with six years of educational experience serving as a teacher, assistant principal, and principal. She brings a passion for equity-based practices and enjoys building the capacity of students and adults.
Gabrielle began her career in Dallas ISD as a Secondary ELAR and College and Career Readiness Teacher. As a middle school Principal, she strategically implemented a PLC structure, Project- Based Learning, and Restorative Practices. Once she moved to the Greater Austin area, Gabrielle served as an Assistant Principal in Manor ISD. Her focus was Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, school-wide implementation of Restorative Practices, and refining systems to be more equitable for special populations. Gabrielle continues learning as a current doctoral student in Baylor University’s Educational
Leadership K-12 program.
Degrees and Certifications
 Master of Education in Educational Leadership K-12, Dallas Baptist University
 Bachelor of Arts in Communication-Advertising, University of Houston
 Principal EC-12 Certificate
 Generalist 4-8 Certificate
 Special Education EC-12 Certificate
 T-Tess Appraiser

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